New, Updated Conversation Starter Guides
The Conversation Project has updated their Conversation Guides to be more inclusive, approachable and accessible to everyone. They are still free and available to download. The goal has remained the same: to ensure that everyone’s wishes for care through the end of life are understood and respected.
Some of the changes include:
Reframed TCP: shift to use the frame of through end of life (EOL) and not being as death/EOL -centric on the cover or in opening language. They realized some folks were putting the tool down before working through the questions. The goal is to focus on how you want to LIVE through the end of life. While no one wants to shy away from EOL examples, they recognized they didn’t need to open with it quite so forcefully.
Shifted to more targeted audience in some of the guides: the guide on Alzheimer’s and other dementias is now a resource specifically for caregivers. And, they split the proxy guide into two, one for choosing a proxy and the other on being a proxy.
Used more inclusive language, stories, and imagery:
Edited for gender-neutral language (e.g. siblings rather than brother/sister) and options reflective of more LGBTQ+ experiences.
Provided wider examples of who matters most/who to engage: such as an aunt, uncle, family friend, faith or spiritual advisors, etc.
Added more inclusive stories: expand examples used to wider audiences.
Enhanced general diversity of photos and added illustrations throughout
Incorporated lessons from current research (and from reviewers): to help message resonate with wider audiences.
Emphasized conversations: why talking/conversation(s) matter – shift from “the” conversation to “a” conversation/conversations. We know this often takes place over many conversations and didn’t want to imply it all has to be done at once.
Emphasized concept of preparedness: and “what I want” and how to talk about it.
Emphasize empathy and no judgment
Reframed the intros to make emotional connection: for example, take out the data (this is not a motivational factor) – and instead appeal to heart (not just the mind).
Contextualized for the moment: recognize change in context due to COVID – uncertainty, social distancing, telehealth, etc. and weave this in.
The Guides are currently available in English and Spanish with Chinese coming soon. As time goes on, more languages will be added.