Founder-Laurie Miller

Owner/Administrator, Apple Care and Companion

I was first introduced to The Conversation Project in 2016. At that time, I was the president of the Dallas Area Gerontological Society. The Conversation Project’s Executive Director, Harriet Warshaw, was our keynote speaker at the DAGS Fall Forum. Her presentation was enlightening but the attendee response was even more so. DAGS members are all people involved in the older adult/senior care space. There are many social workers, healthcare workers, hospice people, folks in senior living, insurance, real estate, elder law and more. People who work with older adults all of the time. People who are involved with end-of-life issues on a regular basis. People who tell others about what they need to do to be prepared.

Harriet’s presentation really hit home when she asked one simple question: “Raise you hand if you have had the conversation about your wishes for how you want to live at the end of your life with your own loved ones?” Well, very few raised their hands. I realized then and there that we need to remove the stigma about talking about death and dying and end-of-life issues.

We all know that death will occur. When we talk about it with our family and friends, it truly makes a difference, for the better. Of course, our loved ones will be sad and grieve for us but there will be less guilt for the living. It is a gift.

I created Conversation Ready NTX to make it easier for everyone to help spread the word and get talking.


I’m encouraging people to have the conversation because:

“……it’s important for adults of all ages to communicate their wishes for end-of-life care with loved ones before it’s too late.” ///Leslie Farin, Publisher and Founder 50Plus-Today

“…… I want people to know that death is the #1 fear and that by talking about it, it lessens the anxiety and fear. By planning and communicating their wishes to loved ones, a beautiful death is possible. I want people to feel empowered about a very important part of life.”///Delia Sousa, CELD Final Phases

….. it is a gift you can give to those you leave behind.///Carol Franzen, Certified Geriatric Care Manager Dallas Care Connection

“……it is so important for your loved ones to know what your wishes are. I have witnessed the difference between families that had had the conversation and those who have not. ///Elise Power, Jewish Hospice Liaison \Faith Hospice

“…..we need to understand more and fear less for a good ending to our life story. ///Kathryn MacDonell, Geriatric Program Manager Texas Health Presbyterian Dallas

“… provides much needed support for their family at a time when they are stressed, overwhelmed and grieving. ///Kathleen Warshawsky, BSN, RN Seniors Blue Book

“… should not leave your end-of-life planning needs and desires as a crisis for your family, it should be your final gift.” ///Steve Crane, President Memorial Masters

If you are interested in being on our team to encourage others to have the conversation, please fill out the form below.

If you would like more information about National Healthcare Decisions Day, please fill out the short form below.

If you are interested in hosting a workshop, having a presentation or a staff training, or just have a question, please feel free to contact us for more information.

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